By Vicky Rutherford on Thursday, 19 September 2024
Category: Reviews



"I first found Vicky and Mike in December of 2023 after a long search for an ethical breeder. The most important thing to me was finding someone whose dogs were part of the family, and who lived full lives. After an initial conversation about my lifestyle, what I was looking for in a puppy, and whether I was prepared for a Labrador, I was put on the waiting list for Ebony's litter.

When I first saw the video of Jim pop up a few months later, I was one of many people who reached out to Vicky expressing interest in him. Unsurprising, as he is such a handsome boy. We had many conversations while she reprofiled me, Jim, and others. It was important to us both that we made sure this was the right fit. Not only would he have to make the long journey to Bermuda, but I was not able to pick Jim up for another three months. I don't think Vicky knew how much anxiety I felt while she did her due diligence in vetting every home. Under the circumstances I knew it was a huge ask for her and Mike to keep him on for that long. Luckily for me, it was decided that Jim and I were the right fit!

One thing about Vicky, is she does nothing by halves... She immediately set to work on getting Jim accustomed to being in similar spaces to the kennel he would be travelling in, the noises, crowd work, the list goes on and on! All the while she was raising puppies. I don't think she slept a wink.

When the time came for me to get Jim, he was amazing in every sense of the word. We spent a day doing some work, showing him that Vicky trusted me and he took it all on board. He went down to London on the train, navigated Euston Station like a pro, and hopped out of the plane, ready to sniff out his new island home.

All of the early work that Vicky does with the puppies truly pays off; Jim is the most adaptable, loving, and cheeky boy. One of the first things that Vicky said to me was that she had initially chosen him as a therapy dog. He naturally gravitates towards a younger family member with ADHD, and it's truly remarkable how he instinctively knows to play in a way that I don't see with anyone else. He is a beautiful mix of Honey and Diesel, both in looks and personality.

Not that he is completely saintly (because that would be boring). When he isn't busy being the best boy in the world, his life's mission is to be a thief. Whenever he's caught he acts like a tiny puppy curling up on top of me, nevermind the fact that he is 75 pounds of elbows and muscle!
It has only been a month and I cannot imagine my life without him. I can't thank Vicky and Mike enough for trusting me with one of their beautiful pups and for all the hard-work, time, and love that they put into him throughout different stages of his life. I have a lifetime of joy and laughs ahead of me with Jim."